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PropNex Champion
Group District Leader

Our Founder - Cliff Siow 

Cliff Siow got involved in the industry 9 years ago, it has been a great learning journey to him.​ He start this business with a team of 3 and now with PropNex this powerful platform and right corporate culture, the team have grew to 240 members with 35 leaders. 

He did not have a proper direction at the start, tried many different way but still failed. Things only start getting better when his focus is to add value to the people including himself, his client, his team and his company. The amazing part of this Journey is he get to know so many great people who always give him support and he mentioned that he couldn't have made it through this challenging career.

Propnex Champion Group District Leader - Cliff Siow
"If you're not making someone else's life better, then you are wasting your time"

"For me, being a property agent is much more than just selling real estate,  I see myself as a entrepreneur, a leader of a team. I want to help my team members to achieve better result through training & activities, so they able to add massive value to their client.  The best way to promote a value is to lead the team by demonstrating and modelling that value yourself. Continuous learning and self improvement is one of the core value of company, because we believe training can change people's life." 

Working with your spouse can be maintained in a healthy or unhealthy way. It has never been an easy journey, but you can actually support your spouse's dream and your own dream at the same time. Most importantly, you should sit down and ask, ‘What are we doing this for, what is our purpose and where are we going?’,

"I'm blessed to have a partner who can support each other in career and life." Cliff Says. Cliff and his wife had been in this industry together for more than 6 years, as a couple and colleague as well. They encountered lots of difficulties and challenges through our our journey but they stay strong and connected. they believe communication and understanding each other is Their secret of success.

They have won the title of PropNex Top Couple award 3 times in a row. (2019, 2020, 2021)


Love is romantic, warm, and fun. But one thing we don’t typically associate with romantic relationships is an accomplishment. There’s something about combining goals, progress, and achievement with relationships that makes some people feel icky; like we’ve violated some sacred law to keep love pure.

Here in this video our Cliff Siow & His wife Eunice Yong, Team Leader of PropNex Malaysia are sharing their love story.


Cliff Siow is also the co founder of MYOU Malaysia, together with his partner Mark Thoo and Ben Yong, They started MYOU in 2019 and created the first home tour presentation for KL City Centre new launch project. With the combination of Video Marketing, Creative Content and integrated digital marketing, they are able to help developers and individual sellers to to market their unit in digital way which is more effective than traditional method. Besides this, they want to show Malaysia properties to the world through MYOU.


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Address: B-29-01, Block B, Jaya One, No. 72A, Jalan Universiti, 46200, Petaling Jaya, Selangor

Career Hotline: +6017-5555 422

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Copyright © 2022 | Cliff Siow Division +601 7-5555 422

PropNex Realty | E(1)1800 | Cliff Siow | REN17372

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